Our values
Our commitment
to satisfaction
At Conesys Europe we are committed to satisfying product design to your requirements.
We design and manufacture products proactively, meaning in accordance with your expectations and your needs.
Our product quality is accompanied by the continuous renewal of our certification system and our standardized product ranges.
Our commitment
to reducing
our environmental
Conesys Europe seeks to reduce its environmental impact and has implemented solutions with reduced environmental impact within the framework of its design, operation, and manufacturing activities.
Conesys Europe pays particular attention to its water, energy, material, and paper consumption as well as waste recycling.
Our commitment
to promoting
and respecting
human rights
Conesys Europe is committed to promoting and respecting human rights in business by complying with the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), as well as the regulations in force applicable to its activities.
Conesys Europe refrains, in particular, from directly and indirectly using child labor, any form of forced labor, and harassment or any form of discrimination.
Our culture
of integrity
Conesys Europe is committed to a culture of integrity within the company by rejecting all forms of corruption and the use of illegal payments.
Conesys Europe has implemented and maintains a policy against counterfeiting.
Our commitment
to the development
of human potential
Conesys Europe invests in the development of human potential in companies.
From conception to completion, our employees are committed to transmitting and implementing the expertise, good practices, and actions that have written our history and built our reputation.
Conesys Europe ensures the health and safety of its employees and, in the interest of continuous progress, we give everyone the opportunity to be trained throughout their career and to share their experience.
Learning fits naturally into the development plan. This process of developing human potential through mentoring allows us to integrate young people into our professions and to prepare and build our future.